
Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Women and children first

A number of NGOs recently placed an 'advertorial' in the European Voice (5-11 July 2007). 07.07.07 marks the half-way point to reaching the MDGs but at the current rate of progress we will not meet the 2015 deadline.

Universal access to sexual and reproductive health and rights is vital to the MDGs. Basic reproductive health services are affordable and cost-effective and would save millions of lives, yet donors provided in 2005 only 55% of the funding needed for family planning and safe motherhood. The ad calls on donors to prioritise these issues into development plans and policies, and to dedicate sufficient and sustainable funding to them. To sign up to this call, please send an email to: and tell donors it's time to meet their commitments.

About the MDGs: In September 2000, 189 United Nations member states committed to achieving eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015. These goals include eradicating poverty and hunger, reducing infant mortality, ensuring maternal health, promoting gender equality and empowering women and combating HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis.

Read the 'advertorial'.