
Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Workshop: Web2.0 in development cooperation - Bonn, 22 and 23 November, 2007

EADI and Euforic announce a workshop on web 2.0 tools in development organizations:

In the last few years the internet has brought many new services and offerings to enhance the creation, management and dissemination of information.

Simple websites in HTML have been replaced by more complex ones containing multiple streams of content. A basic web-search-engine (AltaVista) has been replaced by a multifunctional service provider (Google) which offers a email, calendars, document-sharing, and much much more.

'Flat' web sites and portals are being replaced by interactive, personalised web services built on content generated by users and feeds re-mixed for different applications.

Some of the buzzwords of this 'web 2.0' include "social bookmarking", "RSS", "wikis", "blogs", and "Googling" - all are free to use and they provide numerous and often flexible solutions to the challenges we face.

This new web offers various ways to use these opportunities to improve and enhance the data and information management of your own organisation. Most of these offerings are completely free of charge. Used alone or in combinations, the new tools may revolutionize the way development information is created, accessed, shared, and used.

A two-day workshop will inform information and communication professionals in the field of development cooperation about these possibilities and advantages. It will combine presentations from people who use the web 2.0 in their everyday work, with intensive guided 'hands-on' training. Participants will take away a practical toolkit which can be used to enhance the information management and dissemination activities of their organisations.

The language of the workshop will be English, with hands-on exercises also in German. It will be led by Euforic's Chris Addison, with assistance from EADI and other colleagues.

This workshop forms part of the Euforic web2share initiative that supports Euforic members in using the new web tools and services and working collectively.

Cost: EUR 400 EADI/Euforic members (EUR 500 non-members) including 2 days training, materials, lunches, refreshments. Participants are responsible for their own travel and accommodation.

Deadline for registration is 31 October 2007

Please bring your own laptop if available.

To register or get more information, please contact

See related stories on web 2.0; and the Euforic dossier on web 2.0