
Sunday, November 25, 2007

EADI, Euforic hold Web2.0 for Development Workshop in Bonn

In a workshop organized with EADI, Euforic introduced members of German development cooperation organizations, including GTZ, Inwent and the UN Volunteers, to the 'new web'.

The training course from 22-23 November provided the 16 participants with basic knowledge about Web2.0 tools such as blogs, rss-feeds, wikis and social bookmarking as well as new features in the web which are relevant for knowledge and information management or research.

After short introductions by the trainers, time was given to the participants to test the tools themselves and create their own blogs, wikis or social bookmarking accounts.

Particularly popular was the 'googology' session where the full text of books was searched online, web pages were searched in arabic and chinese and displayed in english, and project databases were searched for research contacts.

The closing roundtable showed a great enthusiasm about the new possibilities spread and a lively discussion on how to incorporate these new tools into more or less static knowledge management systems started among the participants.

See some pictures of the workshop on the Euforic flickr account; learn more about our other training and learning activities.

See Euforic newsfeed, dossier and wiki on web 2.0.

Story by Martin Behrens