
Thursday, February 14, 2008

The climate challenge and ACP responses the focus of the fourth Brussels briefing

On 13 February, CTA, Euforic, and other partners organised the fourth in the series of Brussels Development Briefings.

The briefing hosted two panels: the first discussing 'Climate change and Development - Overview of some key and emerging issues'; the second focussing on the 'Impacts of climate change on rural development'.

Speakers included the EC, ODI, ACP Secretariat, ENDA, Development Commmittee of the European Paliament, Concord, African farmers organisations (SACAU), the Joint ACP-EU Parliamentary Assembly. The programme, presentations and video materials, speaker information, video interviews, and further readings are available at the Brussels Briefings website.

Climate change and agriculture was also the topic of a CTA-Euforic side session at the EU Development Days.

Earlier Brussels Briefings looked at 'Aid for Trade', 'Advancing African Agriculture' and 'Challenges to rural development in ACP countries.'

See also Euforic news on rural development and climate change.