
Monday, February 11, 2008

Introducing web2 at CIDSE

On 8 February, Euforic organized a one day web2share awareness session for CIDSE staff on the 'new' web.

Participants created personal home pages and got to grips with newsfeeds to track the content of their favorite sites. They explored how to create their own newsfeeds, from their own blog and by tagging content with social bookmarking applications. They finished by editing their own wiki pages and learning ten ways to search the new web, using different 'spaghetti forks' to unravel the web's content spaghetti.

Discussion at the end of the day showed that most participants had some clear ideas how they could put their new skills into practice.

See Euforic newsfeed, dossier and wiki on web 2.0. See also Euforic's newsfeed on CIDSE