The Commission has a particular focus on agriculture and Africa because these are seen as key to addressing poverty. The Commission supports research at the international level through the CGIAR; at the regional level through FARA, and at subregional levels through ASARECA, CORAF and SADC/FARN.
Sarfati outline a four point approach to research for development:
First, the intention is to focus in Europe on research serving the MDGs, for example research on health, agriculture, climate change, and energy. Second, is a focus on strengthening infrastructure and the capacity of Southern research organisations. Third is to address the issue of brain drain of southern researchers to the north by ensuring "brain circulation" as has proved so successful in emerging nations. The fourth area is coherence.
- Euforic development research dossier
- Euforic research feedfinder
- Research for development portal
- CIMRC consortium
- DFID's new research strategy