In the cover story, Helke Nasdala demonstrates that the UN money spent on gender equality, i.e. for UNIFEM, is still dramatically low compared to other UN programs and to the costs caused by gender inequality each year.
David Cronin (IPS Brussels) criticizes the EU for neglecting gender issues within the EU-ACP trade negotiations. Furthermore he demands a stronger engagement in the area of reproductive health in developing countries.
On the EPA trade talks, Glenys Kinnock (MEP) blames the European Commission for missing the development dimension within the EU-ACP trade negotiations:
She calls foradjustments within the existing EPAs and a stronger consideration of development aspects in the future.
An analysis of the situation in Chad asserts that, contrary to the common media coverage, the security situation has not improved since February 2008 when rebel groups tried a coup d'état against President Déby. The author doubts if the EU peacekeeping force EUFOR has the capacity and the impartiality to handle the situation. The article calls for a stronger participation of all EU member states, disarmament, and a focus on dialogue with all actors.
The issue also has an interview with Eckhard Deutscher, the new Chairman of OECD-DAC, on the role of China in Africa, and the international aid effectiveness and finance for development agendas. Ramesh Jaura also has an article based on an interview with Ethiopia's President Girma about the past and future of his country.
Global Perspectives is a bi-lingual (English/German) publication by IPS Europe. It releases monthly editions on various themes of international cooperation and development and is available for free download.
See also Euforic newsfeeds on Aid Effectiveness, EU-ACP relations and from IPS Europe.
by Martin Behrens