
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Policy dialogue about Dutch development cooperation

Source: MDF Newsletter, July 2008

MDF is facilitating the policy dialogue between partners in Dutch development cooperation (DC). On request of the Minister, representatives of all stakeholders in Dutch development cooperation participate in a number of meetings and in an on line discussion. Stakeholders include civil society organisations (big and small), government agencies, private enterprise, academics, migrant organisations, etc. A website has been opened where information about this Policy Dialogue can be found:

On this website you will find the reports and proceedings of a Starter-meeting (May 22) and of the Conference of June 24 - 25. You will also find six state-of-the-art papers which were written by academics from outside the direct sphere of Dutch DC, and comments on these papers by people from within the sector. All papers, comments and other discussion documents are arranged according to six leading themes of the dialogue: Enabling environment, Complementary roles, Accountability, Learning capacity, Tasks 'North' and 'South', and Public support for DC.

The dialogue will be rounded off with a report about all outcomes of the process. This report will be used by the Minister as inspiration for a new Policy Paper that is due in autumn of this year. Four MDF-staff members are working on this dialogue - under the guidance of a Steering Committee.

For more information contact Sjoerd Zanen via

Check also the Euforic newsfeeds on Dutch development cooperation and on MDF