In October 2008, Euforic's Chris Addison and Pier Andrea Pirani joined the colleagues at
IDS in Brighton to run a series of sessions on web2 and how this is used among development organisations.
For four days we met with different groups and, between presentations, practical examples and discussions, we went through different aspect of the new web and how this can be used for marketing, sourcing content, disseminating information, and networking.
In this video, we asked Adrian Bannister, working for
BRIDGE in the IDS Information and Communication Team, to share some impressions about the different sessions he attended.
Click To Play
This workshop forms part of the Euforic
web2share initiative that supports Euforic members in using the new web tools and services and working collectively.
See Euforic
dossier and
wiki on web 2.0.
See also the
newsfeed from IDS.