
Thursday, November 06, 2008

Financial crisis: NGOs around the world call for the European Union to fight for a Global Governance that would finally be democratic

Concord press release, 4 November 2008

In a context of unprecedented crises regarding finances, climate and food and on the eve of the G20 summit on November 15 in Washington, representatives of 10 000 NGOs from 82 countries have for the first time organized an International Forum of national coalitions of NGOs, where participants called for the EU to defend a reform of global governance that is serving the most vulnerable populations.

Civil Society Organisations meeting in Paris last week on Thursday 30 October with Coordination SUD, the national coordination of French NGOs of international solidarity representing 10.000 NGOs, * presented a roadmap for European solidarity and responsibility in international negotiations to Mr. Joyandet, Secretary of State for Cooperation and the Francophone community..

At a time when States are questioning the need to regulate globalisation through a reform of international financial institutions (World Bank, International Monetary Fund, etc.), NGOs from across the world have called upon the European Union (EU) to ensure effective participation of the poorest countries in international forums.

Henri Rouillé d'Orfeuil, President of Coordination SUD, stressed that the need for fair and democratic regulations should lead the EU to propose "the establishment of social, environmental and cultural specifications able to frame the strategy of the economic actors in discussions on the reform of the international institutions."

In the meeting "Messages from the world to the European Union”, NGOs called on the EU to review its trade, agricultural, environmental and economic policies so that they contribute to a sustainable north and south development and to the fight against inequality.

According to Bakary Doumbia, President of the FECONG (Platform of NGOs of Mali), "The European development cooperation focuses on the fight against illegal immigration, the promotion of the interests of European companies and the fight against terrorism, instead of strengthening the policies about education, health and equality between men and women."

Mike Mathias, Chairman of the political forum CONCORD (European NGO Confederation for Relief and Development), explains "the European model of development must be reconsidered from scratch. The planet can not bear the consumption of the economically privileged populations of the world. The current model based on economic growth alone does not allow better distribution of wealth. "

* from the regional coalitions of Mesa Articulacion (Latin America), REPAOC (West Africa), REPONGAC (Central Africa), PIANGO (Oceania), National Coalition of Platforms Asia (South and South-East), SADC Council of NGOs (Southern Africa) and CONCORD (Europe).

Read the "Messages of the World to the European Union " - version française - english version

For more information contact Céline Vatier

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