
Monday, November 17, 2008

Web portal for French development community announced in Strasbourg

The web portal - La Maison du Développement - of the French development community was launched for comments by partners today at the European Development Days in Strasbourg by the Agence Française de Développement.

Introduced by Guillaume de Saint-Phalle, the new site which will appear at aims to facilitate access to French information on development issues.

Laureline Trilby, project manager, presented the new site by explaining that there are a number of well organised portals to development information in English but not in French. Designed for a broad audience, this portal has a dual purpose, not only does it serve an information function but also assists in the construction of a French professional community in development.

This is a first step but is not yet a multi-partner system. The idea is to encourage partners to join the development. The overall objective is to build a portal to mobilise Francophone information, and integrating a range of web 2.0 tools.

The schedule has been as follows:

    January - Feasibility study
    July - Pilot site
    September - Identify founding partners and propose an institutional partnership
    November - Invite further partners

    January - Official launch of the site

The ambition is to attract over 300,000 visitors per month at a time when most development sites attract audiences of around 50,000.

For further information, please email

Check also the Euforic newsfeeds on AFD and French development cooperation