
Thursday, December 11, 2008

Eighth Brussels Briefing on migration and rural development

On December 11th, CTA and Euforic - in partnership with the European Commission-DG Development and EuropeAid, the EU Presidency, the ACP Secretariat, Concord and IPS Europe - have organised the eighth in the series of Brussels Development Briefings, entitled 'Does international migration affect ACP rural development?'

This Briefing discussed the benefits and challenges that migration can have on the agricultural and rural development of ACP countries, looking at the effects of remittances in this sector as well as the role of ACP diasporas in the development of their economies.

The programme, the background note, and the presentations are available online.

Earlier Brussels Briefings looked at 'Rising food prices: an opportunity for change?', 'New drivers, new players in ACP rural development', 'Does Fair Trade contribute to sustainable development?', 'The climate challenge for ACP agriculture', 'Aid for Trade', 'Advancing African Agriculture' and 'Challenges to rural development in ACP countries.'

Sign up for the Brussels Briefing newsfeed ; also Euforic newsfeeds on rural development, agriculture and migration