
Thursday, December 18, 2008

Launch of Search4Dev, a repository for Dutch development information

On December 16th, the Search4Dev portal was officially during a presentation in the library of the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT).

The initiative originated within the Development Policy Review Network (DPRN), a virtual network of development experts, focusing on bringing people together, establishing partnerships, and stimulating informed debate. DPRN seeks to bridge the gap between research, policy, practice and the private sector. In this context, information exchange was seen as essential in achieving these goals and therefor the Global-Connections portal was set up.

The Search4Dev initiative builds on the experiences of DPRN in this area - in particular the concern to make research information relevant for policy and practice - and aims to provide a repository for all publications and documents produced by Dutch development organisations, both academic and non-academic. It fosters open and easy access to information, guarantees that the information remains available in the long term, and allows for harvesting by search engins and other information platforms with a specific focus, such as Euforic.

KIT Information and Library Services manages the project, bringing in its expertise and networks in the areas of information, communication, and research.

For more information contact Ingeborg Nagel, Project Manager Search4Dev.

See also Euforic's newsfeed on information, knowledge and communication