
Friday, January 23, 2009

CONCORD General Assembly: focus on strategy

Source: Concord Flash, nr. 56, November/December 2008

No two CONCORD General Assemblies are alike, and the second one of 2008, held on 26 and 27 November, featured a combination of strategic thinking, a public event and the information era.

The main thrusts of CONCORD's strategy plan for 2009-2015, which are based on consultations carried out previously, were further refined during workshop discussions, and resulted in the approval of a strategic framework on the second day of the assembly. The final strategy plan will
be approved in June 2009.

Other major features of the general assembly were the public presentation of CONCORD's manifesto for the EU elections, at a cocktail party in the city centre of Brussels, and the approval of its 2009 action plan and annual budget. An information session on the processes currently under way to promote a joint statement on the aid effectiveness of civil society organisations also showed CONCORD members the importance of contributing to this international process which, since 2008, has been led in part by CONCORD.

The film Dead Mums Don’t Cry was shown, heightening members' awareness of the importance of protecting women's sexual and reproductive rights, and their health, in developing countries. The importance of gender issues within CONCORD was also reaffirmed here.

The general assembly ended with a presentation of the Czech presidency's programme of activities, a discussion on the impact on development NGOs of the humanitarian role being played by the army, and, via webcam, a live report from the Civil Society Forum on Financing for Development in Doha from Andrea Maksimovic, a member of the CONCORD Board/Solidar.
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See also Euforic's newsfeeds on EU cooperation, and on Concord