
Friday, January 23, 2009

How to improve the relations between NGOs & the Council of the European Union?

Source: Concord Flash, nr. 56, November/December 2008

On Monday 15 December, 30 NGO representatives coming from all eight sectors forming the EU Civil Society Contact Group
(CSCG) met for a lunch debate to discuss the relations between NGOs and the Council. The debate was the opportunity to present the outcomes of a CSCG survey on the issue and draft recommendations. CONCORD, the Social Platform and the European Peace Building Liaison Office (EPLO), a member of the Human Rights and Democracy Network, presented their
experience in working with the Council. Main features of their experiences are:

♦ all three sectors used one specific opportunity as a door opener with the Council and to set a precedence;

♦ it is crucial to explain the representativeness of the network and make use of the complementarities with the activities of the national members;

♦ it is important to anticipate the work at least one year in advance and negotiate with the future presidencies on priorities in order to have an influence on the agenda.

Find the draft survey report including the recommendations here. Find notes of the lunch debate here. Find the invitation including the program of the event here.

For further information: Regula Heggli from the CSCG

Interested in the CSCG? click here for its strategic plan, work program 2009 and its “Mission, Vision and Governance”.

See also Euforic's newsfeeds on EU cooperation, and on Concord