
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Euforic web2share events in 2008

In 2008, our web2share activities have been growing and represented a great deal our work.

Since late 2005, Euforic has used a wide rang of 'social' web2 tools to make development cooperation information more accessible. Through internal as well as public web2share training and events, we share our experiences with members and partners.

In April and November, 26 people signed up for our regular two-day workshops - in Maastricht hosted by ECDPM and in Bonn, jointly organised with EADI . They will be run again in 2009 - see the announcement.

During the first half of 2008, together with CTA and the ACP Secretary we ran a series of sessions for ACP embassies in Brussels. Starting with introductory workshops on web2 at the ACP House in February and March, we then delivered a series of training sessions in June. In total, some 22 ACP embassies were involved and about 50 people attended the sessions, run in English and French.

Compared to previous years, in 2008 we ran more sessions within our member organisations, sitting with them, discussing the potential of the social web and exploring ways to put these into practice. In these sessions, we worked with CIDSE in Brussels, DFID,Healthlink Worldwide and the Wellcome Trust in London, IDS in Brighton, Concord and its communication network, and our Nordic members DIIS, DDRN, NORAD and NIAS (read more).

In 2008 we also continued to support ICCO staff and partner organisations in getting familiar with the social web and embedding these new tools and approaches into their 'business processes'. As well as training in different tools and applications, we started a series of 'ComPart surgeries' - regular weekly sessions of two hours where people can drop in, meet experts and champions, get advice and answers and share tips (read more)

In terms of format of the public sessions, we maintained the modular approach that proved to be popular in previous years.

As for the content, we try to match the interests of the participants while introducing new areas and drawing on experiences in the Euforic network. Compared to previous years, we focused more on areas like social networking, video sharing and podcasting, and searching the new web.

Last but not least, an important development of our web2 activities was the launch of a French version of the web2share wiki - jointly developed with ICCO. A Spanish version comes soon. Several people have requested access to these spaces and will contribute to their further development.

To stay up-to-date with these activities, subscribe to our web2 newsfeed, see our web2 dossier, check out the web2share wiki.

Read more related posts on this blog.

by Pier Andrea Pirani