
Thursday, February 19, 2009

Ninth Brussels Briefing on land access and rural development

The next Brussels Development Briefing will be held on 25th February 2009 in Brussels (Centre Borschette) on 'Land access and rural development: New challenges, new opportunities' and will discuss the links between property rights, investment and the generation of economic opportunities in rural areas.

It will look at the correlation between inequality in the distribution of land and economic growth. It will also discuss the new challenges of global commercial interest in land and natural resources and the issue of rich countries buying millions of hectares of agricultural land in ACP countries.

For more information please visit the Brussels Briefings website to see the draft programme and to register.

Earlier Brussels Briefings looked at 'How does international migration affect ACP rural development?, 'Rising food prices: an opportunity for change?', 'New drivers, new players in ACP rural development', 'Does Fair Trade contribute to sustainable development?', 'The climate challenge for ACP agriculture', 'Aid for Trade', 'Advancing African Agriculture' and 'Challenges to rural development in ACP countries.'

Sign up for the Brussels Briefings newsfeed; see also the Euforic newsfeeds on rural development, and agriculture