
Friday, February 13, 2009

What's next for the Policy Coherence for Development?

Source: Concord Flash, nr. 57, January 2009

The European Commission (DG Development) organised a meeting on 19 January with Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) to present the methodology and content of the next European report on Policy Coherence for Development (PCD). The report will be covering not just European Commission (EC) but also the Member States policies. The report will be launched in September in Brussels, followed by a presentation and the European Development Days in Sweden in October.

CONCORD welcomes the launch of this process, but believes that not only DG Development should be involved in this report, but also the other key EC services and the Member States to implement the commitments and move forward the debate on PCD. CONCORD has also asked the European Commission to keep a high degree of openness and willingness to engage with CSOs and take CONCORD’s suggestions on board throughout the process. The EC agreed to invite CSOs to an intermediary meeting in the drafting of the report in April 2009 and to let them participating in the launch events of the report.

CONCORD intends to contribute to the "PCD report" process by bringing our own perspectives, critical analysis and views and facilitating the engagement with other CSOs. Furthermore, EU's Global Responsibility/ Policy Coherence will be the key priority for the Swedish Presidency in the second half 2009, and CONCORD will mobilise its constituency on this issue.

For further information: Ester Asín Martínez (

See also Euforic's newsfeeds on EU cooperation, and on Concord