
Monday, April 06, 2009

Workshop: Introducing Blogs, Wikis, Newsfeeds and RSS - Maastricht, 2 and 3 April, 2009

On April 2 and 3, Euforic organised the fourth two-day workshop on the 'new' or 'social' web. Aimed at people in organizations working in international cooperation, it familiarized participants with new tools and show how to use them to deliver low cost, participatory, and more integrated web presence.

Covering the use of Blogs, Wikis, Newsfeeds and RSS the course combined presentations, hands-on, and lessons from people already using these tools. Participants could see what others have done, how they could use these tools and assess how they can help them and their organization to find relevant - and often hidden – information; also how they can help disseminate their information more widely.

This workshop, hosted as the previous editions by ECDPM, forms part of the Euforic web2share initiative that supports our members use the new web tools and services and find ways to work collectively.

See Euforic newsfeed, dossier and wiki on web 2.0.