The 2009 Annual General Meeting of Euforic members will take place on Wednesday 10 June in Copenhagen, Denmark, in conjunction with the meeting of the EADI Information Management Working Group on 11-12 June. NIAS – the Nordic Institute of Asian Studies - will be hosting the Euforic AGM and the EADI meeting. Besides a regular business meeting we will organize a open workshop on ‘Collaboration, Communication and Climate Change’ for which we invite Danish guests.
The program for the Euforic AGM is as follows:
11:00 - 13:00 Members meet on business matters of the cooperative
14:00 - 17:30 Workshop ‘Collaboration, Communication and Climate Change’
17:30 Reception (hosted by NIAS)
As part of the afternoon workshop members will make brief presentations on:
- what their organization does in the area of climate change
- and/or how they communicate towards policy makers, researchers and practitioners on climate change
- and/or what kind of collaboration (or information) they seek in the area of climate change within the Euforic network
For more information on the AGM 2009 and on Euforic membership please contact us via
Information about previous AGMs can be found here: