Adaptation technologies aim to reduce the vulnerability of local communities by building on existing coping mechanisms. Aiming at poverty reduction the report focuses on technologies which are already known and could easily transferred and shared within and across developing countries. It aims to raise awareness among the various negotiators to the UN Post 2012 Climate Change Agreement about the importance of such technologies and the role that international cooperation could play.
International cooperation should ensure access to information on the impacts of climate change, to financial resources and the research focusing on adaptation technologies and developing countries needs. Negotiations of technologies in the post 2012 framework only focused on R&D but neglected technologies which already exist and are crucial to developing countries. The authors fear that - unless adaptation technologies for the poor are adequately included in the UN negotiations - financing for them will only be available through aid budgets.
The paper provides various case studies and a comprehensive list of adaptation technologies in the appendix from the most vulnerable sectors including the coastal areas, water, agriculture, health systems and infrastructure.
See the CIDSE dossier on Climate Change and Justice
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