
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Spring Alliance to ensure that the EU puts people and the planet first

The 'Spring Alliance' is a movement created by the European civil society organizations: the European Environmental Bureau, the European Trade Union Confederation and Social Platform. It was recently joined by Concord, the European NGO Confederation for Relief and Development. Furthermore the Alliance is supported by a network of organizations from all corners of civil society and beyond.

According to the initiators the Spring Alliance aims to shift the policy focus of the European Union from 'growth and jobs' towards more sustainable policies which prioritizes the welfare of Europe's people and puts the planet first. In the light of a newly elected European Parliament and the upcoming changes in the European Commission the network wants to ensure that the policies of the European Union pursue simultaneously economic, environmental and social goals.

To find out more see the Manifesto of the Spring Alliance or visit its website.

Fore more information, also check Euforic's newsfeed on EU cooperation policy