
Thursday, January 11, 2007

Programming the EU's external aid: iQSG web site

The European Commission's interservice Quality Support Group - iQSG - has recently launched its new web site giving technical and practical information on the programming processes and methodologies used in the EU's external assistance.

According to the iQSG Chairman, Bernard Petit, the web site provides an "in-depth insight about the iQSG and its functions, programming definitions, the fundamental principles, main steps in the drafting process, a comprehensive range of programming support tools, knowledge and research through the best practices, acronyms used in the field and many useful links."

The site offers a wealth of web resources; in particular a document library giving a comprehensive overview (and links) of Country Strategy Papers (CSP), National Indicative Programmes (NIP), Regional Strategy Papers (RSP), Mid-Term Reviews (MTR), Thematic Papers and other programming documents.

The iQSG was formally established on September 2000 to ensure the coherence and the quality of EC external cooperation aid. It does so by harmonising programming guidelines; providing support and guidance in the preparation of strategic documents; assessing and makes recommendations on draft strategic documents. The Members of the Group are senior representatives of all the Commission's Directorates General and offices involved in the management of the Community's relations with developing countries.

Source: iQSG website.