"We’re not alone in wanting to explore the opportunities and challenges of holding events online, or blended face-to-face (f2f) and online. Suddenly the web is full of courses and primers on how to do it, like this first in a series of webinars from the deeply experienced Martin Galbraith, or this one on virtual collaboration from Grove. And in our blog on Coming to Agreement in meetings we highlighted the great resource on web meetings just released by the wondrous Nancy White.
Everyone's talking digital.
Today was the online introduction to the three-day Facilitation Anywhere course, which begins next week. It was wonderful to meet the participants, after all our preparations, and we're both excited - and properly apprehensive - about next week. After several introduction exercises, increasing the bandwidth as we went along - from text chat to video and audio - we introduced some of the concepts underpinning our design.
Apart from big, all-purpose events, most gatherings engage a group of people with a common purpose. This could be a product they need to develop together, or some planning, or some ideas they need to work through in detail, or a programme they want to share experience and learning on. But of course a whole range of personal, emotional, social and organisational currents operate in and around the formal agenda.
So in the Facilitation Anywhere course we're operating at broadly three levels, and we're proposing three enquiry question for each of those."
For the remainder of this post please go to the Facilitation Anywhere blog
For the remainder of this post please go to the Facilitation Anywhere blog